
IdentifAI Mobile

IdentifAI Mobile

Tailored to meet specific operational needs and environments

IdentifAI Mobile combines the advanced capabilities of Lunai's AI analytics and IdentifAI’s vision technology into a mobile solution. This app leverages your smartphone’s capabilities to provide real-time detection, monitoring, and analysis, making it ideal for a variety of tasks such as safety walks, order and cleanliness inspections, and inventory control.

IdentifAI Mobile key Features.

Advanced AI Vision:

Utilize your smartphone's camera for capture and analysis in real- time.

Generative AI Analytics:

Powered by Lunai, providing real-time data analysis and actionable insights.

Cloud Integration:

Robust cloud infrastructure for scalable data processing and secure storage.

Real-Time Alerts:

Immediate notifications to ensure prompt action and decision-making.

Safe and Robust Infrastructure

Robust Security with IdentifAI Mobile

IdentifAI Mobile ensures robust product and system security through secure data processing, robust cloud integration, real-time monitoring, continuous updates, and advanced user authentication.

Privacy Policy, GDPR, Data Protection

IdentifAI Mobile Integrity Policy, powered by StellAI, emphasizes your privacy, detailing our responsible data handling, including collection, use, and protection of personal information, ensuring transparency and trust.

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